We are incredibly proud to bring our customers the most unique concrete repair solutions in Kansas City. We proudly represent Elephant Armor and its family of sealers and we are the exclusive dealer in our region.
We noticed that nearly everyone of our customers has concrete problems that need repair. Whether it is a spalling concrete sidewalk, a concrete chunk missing from a swimming pool or a street curb that has disintegrated. The thing that is consistent with all concrete problems is that they don’t last and they are EXPENSIVE to repair. Well, that was until Elephant Armor was introduced. We have been using Elephant Armor for years and have not had a problem at any of the repairs that we have done. But, just as important is that your concrete repair cost will be about 50% less using Elephant Armor.
Elephant Armor is a fiber based, zero polymer, engineered concrete mortar. The incorporation of fiber into Elephant Armor provides an extremely high tensile and flexural strength. Elephant Armor has a vastly superior bond strength to anything on the market and will significantly reduce the potential for failure in your concrete repair.

Don’t believe us? We can show you lots of repairs that we have done throughout the Kansas City area. These repairs have been completed at some of the largest sports venues, Kansas City’s largest corporate campus and many others office buildings. Outside of Kansas City, Elephant Armor is being used on airport runways and major bridge and tunnel repairs
Whether you are a concrete contractor or a small business, we will sell you Elephant Armor and provide you the training to complete your own repair. Or if you prefer, we offer a complete turnkey service where our staff will complete your project for you like we have done for lots of companies throughout Kansas City.
If you think that Elephant Armor is a unique product, please ask us about their sealers…..they have the most unique concrete sealers in the nation.