Triple S Perisept Disinfectant

Triple S Perisept Disinfectant

Triple S (SSS) has released an innovative and cutting-edge disinfectant that is guaranteed to change how professional health buildings are cleaned. It’s called Perisept Sporicidal Disinfectant Cleaner #62. Intended to be used with the Triple S Navigator, an easy to use dilution control system, this disinfectant has an industry leading 2 MINUTE KILL claim for the bacteria Clostridium Difficile, commonly known as C.diff. Illness from C.diff generally affects older adults in hospitals or long-term care facilities. However, as reported from Mayo Clinic, studies have shown increasing rates of C.diff infection occurring in young and healthy individuals. Each year, more than half a million individuals become ill due to C.diff. In the past recent years, illnesses have become more prevalent and difficult to treat.

This EPA-registered disinfectant kills a broad spectrum of bacteria, including C.diff in just two minutes. Along with having over 50 other specific bacterial kill claims against the following – MRSA, CA-MRSA, E.coli, Norovirus, Influenza A and Hepatitis B/C. Perisept is designed to be used with the closed loop Navigator Dilution Control System which minimizes contact with the concentrate. The Navigator system is available in 4-station, single station and portable dispensing units. It contains an easy to follow number and color labeling system; simplifying the training sessions for individuals who are unfamiliar with the product.

Revolutionary for the healthcare environment – Healthcare facilities now have access to a disinfectant that is compatible to surfaces and medical equipment. Unlike bleach, it will not corrode metal or damage mattress covers, and requires no rising. It’s a hydrogen peroxide/peroxyacetic acid based formula that leaves no harmful residue behind on surfaces. With a nearly odorless fragrance due to the higher dilution rate, 1:32, Perisept kills bacteria while smelling clean. The high dilution rate is an economic benefit by making the disinfectant affordable for consistent daily use, such as inside operating rooms and healthcare waiting facilities.

C.diff is one of the most difficult spores to kill in a healthcare environment. It’s important to understand the recommended application methods:

1. Triple-S NexGen Microfiber System: for individuals that prefer microfibers, SSS offers a wide variety of mops, cloths and tools. View in our online catalog.

2. Triple-S Sanotex Environmental Surface Wipes: by using the SSS Navigator Dilution Bottle to prepare Sanotex Wipes with the Perisept Dilution. Using the Navigator, fill the measuring Perisept Dilution Bottle to the 24 oz. fill line and empty into the Sanotex wipes container. Wait 5 minutes for the wipes to becomes saturated. Once the wipes are completely saturated – they’re ready for use.

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